Failed to load appcompat actionbar with unknown error.
Failed to load appcompat actionbar with unknown error.

failed to load appcompat actionbar with unknown error.

Note: in API>=21 to get the Actionbar transparent you need to get the Statusbar transparent too, otherwise will not respect your colour styles and will stay light-grey.

failed to load appcompat actionbar with unknown error.

Values/styles.xml: you can use these themes in your AndroidManifest.xml to specify which activities will have a transparent or colored ActionBar: We start by using an appcompat-21 dependency.

failed to load appcompat actionbar with unknown error.

I suggest use 27.1.1 until 28 stable version release. At the time of answering the current most stable version is 27.1.1 and second 28.0.0-rc02. If you are developing an app, you don't want to face these type of errors. I've finally found a solution and since it took a bit of my time I'll share it to save some of yours. 1 Appventurez Lurker 2 Always use stable version of libraries. I'm developing an app that needs to look similar in all devices with >= API14 when it comes to actionbar and statusbar customization.

Failed to load appcompat actionbar with unknown error.