Good luck! MrFixAll Update 4/30/08, I just finished repairing my HYDRO-GEAR trans again. I recently had another apart that only needed a 65 cent spring to get it going, but again the hardest part was getting the air out of the system. Also pushed the tractor while the tranny was engaged until resistance was felt and after some time the air was out and the tranny works like new now. I did as instructed in the owners manual several times, waiting about 20 minutes between trials. The hardest part was bleeding out the air from the system. I filled the recovery tank about 1/3 full. I emptied the recovery tank and refilled the trans with Carquest Premium Tractor Fluid. I drilled and tapped a #10 hole in the right rear bottom/side of the case to drain out the old fluid and put in a short machine screw to plug the hole. Here is what I did to fix my Craftsman mower tranny.